The purpose of this page is to share projects that colleagues and I are currently engaged in. We welcome collaboration, suggestions, questions, comments, references, and whatever else you think might be useful. Thanks.

Cooperative Learning Coaching
I work with small groups of teachers at individual schools to help them use CL. The programme usually works like this:

1. The school selects 5-8 teachers to be the school’s cooperative learning (CL) Champions. These teachers should:

a. be keen on cooperative learning (they can have previous training or not)
b. have reasonably good classroom management skills
c. have the respect of their colleagues
d. be from a range of levels
and subject areas.

2. I do a 3hr workshop with the CL Champions so that we have a common understanding of CL and to familiarize teachers with CL principles, basic classroom management when groups are used, simple CL techniques, and how the programme will work. Other teachers are welcome to attend this workshop.

3. I come to the school once or twice a week. On each visit, I see each CL Champion teach a one-period CL lesson. I sit in the back of the room and take notes, as well as walking around. Two days before the lesson, teachers have sent me a brief lesson plan via email. I have returned it with feedback before the lesson. At the end of each day of observations, the Champions and I meet for a 1hr debrief session to review the lessons taught that day and so that we can discuss other techniques and other CL ideas.

4. After five such visits, the Champions and I do a 3hr workshop for the school’s other teachers.

5. Afterwards, I am available for email consultation.

Newsletter of the IASCE (International Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education)
I' m editor of the IASCE Newsletter. You can find back issues at We are always looking for news, ideas, research, books, etc. related to cooperative learning. If you've got something, please send it to me at

Cooperative Learning List
I help with a not very active internet discussion list on cooperative learning. To subscribe just send me an e-mail at, and I’ll sign you up. It’s free.

Vegetarian Society (Singapore)
I’m quite active in Vegetarian Society (Singapore),, a member of the International Vegetarian Union. If you’d like to receive the Society’s electronic newsletter, just send me an e-mail at, and I’ll sign you up. It’s free.

Language and Ecology Research Forum
Recently, I’ve been working on the connection between the language that we use to talk about our fellow animals and the way that we humans treat those other animals. This, obviously, is linked to vegetarianism, but has other aspects as well. You can find out more via the website of the Language and Ecology Research Forum, an organization I work with:

Read Aloud
I writing a second edition of a book, to be co-authored with Dr Loh Wan Inn, that encourage adults to read aloud to children.. The book explains why and how we should read aloud. I also do workshops on this topic.

Also, I do lots of teaching, including a wide range of topics relating to learning the English language, as well as many areas in Applied Linguistics and Education. I even teach distance education courses.

Badminton and Yoga
I'm not very good at either badminton or yoga, but I'm keen to improve. If you live near me in Singapore, maybe we can practice together. There's a badminton court where I live.

George M Jacobs
International Plaza
10 Anson Road, #46-06
Singapore 079903
Tel: 65-9389-8360 (mobile)