Multiple Intelligences at Primary/Elementary School
This article has two foci. First, it describes how a group of primary three / third grade teachers worked together in a Learning Circle to plan lessons that involved a range of intelligences. Second, thumbnails of some of the lesson plans are provided.
Lau, J., & Jacobs, G. M. (2002). I am smart: Applying the theory of multiple intelligences to English language teaching. Teaching English Language and Literature, 18(2), 27-31.
Review of Making Justice Our Project [View] [Download]
This review and the one following it attempt to summarize important ideas from two books by Carole Edelsky.
Jacobs, G. M.
(2002, June).
[Review of
Making justice our
TESOLers for Social Responsibility Newsletter, 3(1), 9.
Review of The Fate of Progressive Language Policies and Practices
The book is composed mostly of stories by language educators of their attempts to implement progressive language teaching and policies and what happened to those attempts. The review attempts to abstract 20 lessons from these stories.
Jacobs, G. M. (2002, June). [Review of The fate of progressive language policies and practices]. TESOLers for Social Responsibility Newsletter, 3(1), 10.
Can Learner Strategy Instruction Succeed? The Case Of Higher Order Questions And Elaborated Responses
Ayaduray, J., & Jacobs, G.M. (1997). Can learner strategy instruction succeed? The case of higher order questions and elaborated responses. System, 25(4), 561-570.
Due to copyright regulations I can't post this on the site, but if, after reading the abstract, you would like me to e-mail you a copy, I can do that.
Previous research on learner strategy instruction has produced mixed results. This article reports a study in which two classes of 32 Singapore upper secondary school second language users of English participated. Both classes had the same teacher. One class received instruction in asking higher order questions; the other class did not. Higher order questions are related to the development of thinking skills. Participants questions and responses to questions during small group discussions were tape recorded before and after the 10-week treatment. While there were no significant pre-instruction differences, after the instruction, the treatment class asked significantly more higher order questions and provided significantly more elaborated responses. A .05 alpha level was used. These findings are discussed in light of theory and previous research on issues of learner strategy instruction, the teaching of thinking skills, and learners use of questions.
Suggestions On Writing For Publication In Language Learning Journals
Journals play an important role in the language teaching profession by providing language educators with a forum to exchange and develop ideas. The article divides suggestions for publishing in language learning journals into three parts. The first part presents seven suggestions for how we can get started finding ideas for what to write and how to work to improve on these ideas. The second part presents five suggestions for how to write up our ideas. The third and final part discusses six suggestions for how to choose a journal to write for and how to collaborate successfully with journal editors.
Let's Chat: Using Dialogue Journals [View] [Download]
This is a how-to-article I wrote with a primary school teacher about how we use dialogue journals with our students.
Stories for Language Teacher Education.
I co-edited this collection of stories that illustrate points about language teaching. To order, you need to connect to the RELC website. Then click on Publications. In the Publications page, click on Special Publications.
Getting Started: Materials Writer on Materials Writing.
I co-edited this collection of chapters on the process of writing materials for second language learning. The authors describe materials development project in a range of countries and for a range of learners. To order, check out the RELC website. Then click on Publications. In the Publications page, click on Special Publications.
The Task of Teaching Task-Based Language Teaching to Teachers
In this study, a fellow researcher and I found that concepts in task-based language teaching, such as whether a task is planned or unplanned, open or closed, and whether an information gap is present appeared to high inference (i.e., not easy to grasp) but useful concepts for a group of teachers to whom we presented them in a workshop. The report of this research, currently being considered for publication, presents the explanations we gave of the concepts and the means we used to determine participants' grasp of the concepts.
How to Conduct Collaborative Action Research [View] [Download]
This is a summary of a book written by Richard Sagar and published by ASCD. The book describes the rationale and methodology for teachers to work together to conduct action research in their teaching contexts.
Language and Gender
This section contains papers about issues of how language shapes our views about gender, especially as these issues relate to education.
Asian Second-Language Educationists' Views On Gender-Inclusive English
This article reports a study which used questionnaire, interview, and writing data to investigate how 35 nonnative speaker English language educators from nine Asian countries felt about the change toward more gender-inclusive forms of English. Participants were attending one of three courses at the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) Regional Language Centre in Singapore and had an average of 12 years experience as teachers, materials writers, and curriculum planners. The countries represented were Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Other than the first author, who was a lecturer on the courses, all the researchers in this study were also participants.
Changes And Choices: The Case of Gender and English
This is a shorter report of the above study. It was written for the magazine of a Singapore women's rights organization.
Analyzing Stereotypes [View] [Download]
The paper has two main parts. In the first part, we briefly review some of the literature on the nature of the stereotypes. In the second part, we describe and demonstrate classroom techniques which may help students to critically analyze stereotypes. Among the stereotypes discussed are those seen as detrimental to females.
Ripple Effects: The Case Of Gender-Inclusive Language
This is a study presented at the 1997 international conference on World Englishes held in December in Singapore. The study looks at the use of gender-inclusive in the writing of Singapore junior college (17-18 year-old) students. The researchers found that many students were using gender-inclusive forms. Interviews were conducted with students and teachers.
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